Discover Our Customer Experiences

At Valhalla Massage, our commitment to your well-being is at the heart of everything we do. We take pride in sharing the testimonials of our clients who have experienced our holistic approach to relaxation and healing. These stories reflect our passion for providing exceptional massage therapy that surpasses expectations. We invite you to read the personal experiences of those who have found tranquility, rejuvenation, and vitality through our treatments. Their words testify to the power of the massage therapy, kinesitherapy, and orthotherapy we offer here at Valhalla Massage. We hope these narratives will inspire you to embark on the path of relaxation and well-being with us.

Massothérapie Valhalla

5.0 133 reviews

  • Bristol est un thérapeute compétent et très à l'écoute des besoins de ces patients. C'est vraiment très apprécié d'avoir un praticien qui adapte son traitement en fonction de la personne. Il prend le temps et donne de précieux … More conseils pour éviter certaines tensions dans le futur. Je recommande fortement Bristol!! 🙂
    Sihem B ★★★★★ il y a 3 mois
  • J'ai vraiment apprécié mon massage avec Bristol, il est très professionnel et m'a donné des astuces pour ma posture. Je suis ressortie de la séance complètement relaxée et détendue. Merci
    Mimi DCR ★★★★★ il y a un mois
  • Bristol est très à l'écoute, bienveillant et professionnel. J'ai senti qu'il prenait le temps de cerner mes besoins et il a travaillé en profondeur sur mes tensions. Je me suis sentie légère en sortant. Je recommande vivement … More !
    Laure Perrin ★★★★★ il y a 3 semaines
  • Top expérience avec Bristol ! Il est super sympa, très à l’écoute et professionnel, le massage (drainage lymphatique) était parfait : je me sens très relax et zen, et la gêne à la jambe et au pied a totalement disparu quand je marche ! … More Je reviendrai !
    Top experience with Bristol ! He’s super nice, very attentive and professional, the massage (lymphatic drainage) was perfect: I feel very relax, zen, and the discomfort to the leg & foot has totally disappeared when I walk ! I’ll come back !
    Xavier Kahn ★★★★★ il y a un mois
  • Bristol est de loin le meilleur kinésithérapeute et massothérapeute duquel j’ai reçu des soins. Il connaît l’anatomie et sait exactement ce qu’il fait. Il est aux petits onions avec sa clientèle et ne laisse personne repartir de sa clinique … More avec une douleur encore persistante ! Merci pour tout Bristol, je serai une fidèle cliente pour toujours.
    Michelle Bienvenue ★★★★★ il y a 2 mois

Customer Reviews

Bristol is an extremely knowledgeable and talented massage therapist. I highly recommend him! Sarah St-Arnaud
Bristol provided super professional service. the muscles of my back and legs were super sour from frequent exercice but Bristol relieved and relaxed them extremely well. I kept telling him that his hands are magic. I highly recommend Bristol as your massagetherapist, he is worth his fare and more. Mohamed Ala Chafik
Highly recommend! Bristol is so committed to helping figure out injuries. Seeing improvement after each session! Nat Torres
Bristol was great! Left feeling refreshed. Highly recommend Tyler Zouvi


Excellent treatment. I'll be back Houssine Aouini
Exceptional!!! Very skilled, attentive, professional, and the treatment he provides is truly exceptional. A rare gem! JUDE MASSO-KINE REFLEXOLOGUE
I had a really wonderful treatment from Bristol! He is so skilled, and I left feeling great! PAUL POIRIER
Excellent treatment from Bristol. He is so skilled and has helped me a lot. I highly recommend him for healing what ails you! FRANK LEDEZMA
Highly recommended! Bristol is so dedicated to helping with injury-related issues. I see improvements after every session! Excellent service! GENEVIEVE BEAUDRY
Bristol provided an extremely professional service. The muscles in my back and legs were very tense due to frequent exercise, but Bristol relieved and relaxed them exceptionally well. I kept telling him that his hands are magical. I highly recommend Bristol as your massage therapist; he is worth every penny and more. MOHAMED ALA CHAFIK

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Saturday 09:00 - 21:00 hrs
Sunday 09:00 - 21:00 hrs